Hey Farmers,
Marie wants to give you a cute baby piglet, but her Wheelbarrow to carry him has broken! Can you help her fix the Wheelbarrow so she can bring this little piggy to your Farm?
If you are level 8 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the green “Sure!” button to get started.
After clicking, you will see the Yorkshire Pig Quest Menu. It shows you all of the tasks you have to complete to get the baby Yorkshire Pig.
Note: If you close this menu and need to access it later to see your progress, just click on the baby Yorkshire Pig wandering around your farm or the Wheelbarrow.
The Yorkshire Pig Quests
The Yorkshire Pig tasks require you to place and build a Wheelbarrow, collect Pig Treats by completing 3 Quests for Barbara, and craft Apple Scones for a welcome basket. Click on the “Build It!” button to get started.
Building the Wheelbarrow
To set up your Wheelbarrow, you’ll need to collect the following items:
- Wheel Axles
- Lug Nuts
- Wood Planks
Click on the “Ask” button to send requests for Lug Nuts and Wood Planks to your Neighbors. If you do not wish to wait for your friends, you can skip any of these tasks for Farm Bucks.
Note: You can send requests for materials to your Friends every 18 hours.
Once you have collected the required items, click on the “Start Building!” button at the bottom of the construction Menu.
Once you have built your Wheelbarrow, you will need to hire Friends to help you finish the job! The Wheelbarrow requires four crewmembers, so click on the “Ask Friends” button to send some crew requests to your Friends. When they accept, you will see the spots in the Builder Menu begin to fill. If you do not want to wait for your friends, click the “Hire One” button to purchase crew members with Farm Bucks. Once you have successfully filled all 4 spots, click on the “Finish Building” button.
Click on the turquoise "Share" button to share some of your rewards with Friends!
The final step in the quest is to craft Apple Scones as a welcome basket for Marie! To craft Apple Scones, you will need the following Ingredients: Apples, Wheat and Eggs. Click on the blue "Make It!" button to head into the Crafting Kitchen to get started.
Note: If you do not wish to complete these tasks, you can skip this step for Farm Bucks.
After completing all of the requirements in the Yorkshire Pig Quests, you will see the following pop-up.
Additional Information:
- You have 18 days to complete the Yorkshire Pig Tasks. If you do not complete them, the Pig will disappear and you will be unable to claim it!
- If you want to see how much time you have left to claim the Yorkshire Pig, hover your cursor over him.
- You can only rescue the Yorkshire Pig once.
- You do need to complete the first three of Barbara's 'This Little Piggy' Quests (Childhood Friend, Pig in the City and Wooly Situation).
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