With the Baby Animal Day Countdown coming to an end, Zynga FarmVille is all set to go green with a brand new countdown, the Earth Day Countdown. All you have to do is ask your friends for a daily collectible, that allow you to win one of the prizes set for the event.
The Countdown starts on the 16th of April, 2013
Here is a List of the items you might collect, In Order, to complete the Earth Day countdown:
And Below is a list of the UN-Confirmed Prizes:
Earth Day Tortoise | Seal With Globe | Earth Print Zebra | Globe Tree | Grass Covered Hut | Turbo Charger |
Recycled Cardboard Tree | Recycled Can Tree | Recycled Bottle Tree | Earth Day Sheep | Earth Pattern Horse | Instagrow Potion |
Recycling Elephant | Solar Bear | Globe Hat Pug | Recycled Art Wall |
And here is the UN-Confirmed Prize for Completing the Countdown, the Earth Hero Unicorn:
Just like we had in the previous Countdowns, we seem to have been offered the chance do the whole countdown a second time so that we can get more of the same prizes including the Earth Hero Unicorn.
Are you excited about the soon to come Earth Day Countdown? Well, keep following us for more info on this as and when we get them.
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