County Fair Guide!

8 Kasım 2013 Cuma yazildi.

Note: Prize Fruit at the County Fair is a complex part of the feature, which touches many elements of the game. We are slowing rolling this out to all players over the upcoming months, so please be aware that you may not have this part of the County Fair right away. We are very excited to get this out to all of our players as soon as possible, and we appreciate your patience.  


Howdy, Farmers! 
Get your Seeds and Fertilizer ready, because the County Fair has come to town! Now, everybody knows that a little healthy competition with your Friends and Neighbors is all in good fun. Grow Prize Crops & Prize Fruit to win medals and other great rewards and compete with Friends and Neighbors in weekly events.

If you are level 20 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the green “Check it out” button to get started:

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Walter will pay you a special visit in a shiny new truck with a wagon hitched to the back.

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Click the green “I Will” button and then go harvest some Crops (land or Water).

Prize Goods (Crops):
You can find Prize Crops after harvesting both land and Water Crops. Prize Crops linger on your farm and appear to be larger than your regular harvested Crops. Once you have found your first Prize Crop, click on it to view its size and weight.

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Stunning! Your Prize Crop is perfect for the County Fair. Click the “View Progress” button to check out the County Fair Board for the first time.

   County Fair - FarmVille 2

Prize Goods (Fruit):
Prune your Trees to make them Heirloom, and then harvest them for Heirloom Fruit, which will give you even more points at the County Fair. Prize Fruit will linger on your farm and appear to be larger than your regular harvested Fruit. Once you have found your first Prize Fruit, click on it to view its size and weight. Note: You can only earn Prize Fruit from harvesting Heirloom Trees. Harvesting regular Trees will not produce Prize Fruit
Trees Guide - FarmVille 2

You will receive Coins, Medal points, and XP each time you find a Prize Good (Prize Crop and Prize Fruit). If you are the first to find a Prize Crop or a Prize Fruit of a certain type, you will receive extra “bonus points.” If you are the  “Top Producer” of a certain Crop or Fruit, you will also receive extra “bonus points.” In addition to this, you will earn even more Coins once you attend the County Fair Awards Ceremony at the end of the week! (See the "First-Grower Bonus" and “Bonus Hints” sections below for further details).

County Fair Board:
The County Fair Board will keep track of your progress for Prize Goods (Crops & Fruit), Points, and Medals. In addition, you can view Bonus Hints (tips & tricks), the County Fair countdown timer, rules, and the Prize Shovel. The image below provides a high level description of each individual feature and click the corresponding link to view further details.

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a)     Medal Meter: Displays your total points, Medal status, and how many points needed to reach your next Medal goal.
b)     My Friends: The “Leaderboard” that shows how your score compares with your Friends.
c)     My Prize Goods: Displays all of the Prize Goods (Crops & Fruit) you have collected and the points for each.
d)     Rules: Displays the game rules, and tips & tricks for how to get bigger Prized Goods.
e)     Bonus Hints: This Section suggests Crops (land and Water) and Trees to plant, water, and harvest to get special point bonuses.
f)      Prize Shovel: The special Prize Shovel, which gets you twice the Prize Good points for a day when purchased.
g)     County Fair Timer: This countdown timer indicates how much time remains until the next County Fair event.

Medal Meter:
This meter displays your Medal status, total points, and how many points needed to reach your next Medal goal. See section “Earning Points & Medals” to learn more about how to earn points and Medals. 

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My Friends:
The “My Friends” tab is the Leaderboard that shows how your score compares with your Friends' scores. Here you can view how many points each Friend has and who is behind and in front of you. Hover over your Friends to view their best Prize Goods and which Prized Goods they have earned them the Most Points. Click on the “Congratulate” and “Brag” buttons to share Fertilizer with Friends so they can grow Prized Goods, too!
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Note: The Prize Goods points will reset every week after the County Fair Awards Ceremony.

My Prize Goods:
This tab displays all of the Prize Goods you have collected and your total points for each one. It also shows if you are the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd “Top Producer” among your Friends for that Prize Good (if you earned the most points per that Prize Crop or Prize Fruit).

Top Producer:
Players who get the most points for a certain Prize Good out of their Friends receive special “Top Producer” bonus points. You will see your place for each crop on the “My Prize Goods” tab. Be 1st at the end of the week to earn bonus points at the County Fair! (See the "First-Grower Bonus" and “Bonus Hints” sections below for further details).

  County Fair - FarmVille 2

Note: The “Top Producer” ranks and Prize Good points will reset every week after you take your Prize Crops and Fruit to the County Fair Awards Ceremony.

This tab displays the game rules, and tips & tricks for how to get bigger Prize Goods. See the “Bonus Hints” section to view even more Prize Good hints and special tricks.

   County Fair - Rules NEW

Bonus Hints:
This section suggests Crops and Trees to plant that help you earn special bonus points. Use the yellow triangle tabs to view additional tips. See the “Rules” section to view even more tips & tricks about how to maximize your Prize Goods.

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You can easily tend to the “Bonus Hints” Crops and Trees. Simply, hover over the image to the left of the tip & trick and click the following option:

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Note: You are only able to Plant, Water, Fertilize, Speed-Grow, and Harvest Crops from this menu. 
  1. Plant: Plant the Crop in an open plot.
  2. Water: Water the planted Crop.
  3. Fertilize: Fertilize the watered Crop.
  4. Speed-Grow (not shown above): Use Speed-Grow on the planted, watered, and Fertilized Crop, then harvest it right away.

First-Grower Bonus:
If you want to earn even more points for the County Fair, be the first person among your Friends to find a Prize Crop or Prize Fruit of a particular Crop and/or Heirloom Tree. This reward is the “First-Grower Bonus,” which earns you up to 250 BONUS points at a time.
Note: From the County Fair Board menu, a small clock icon to the left will indicate which Crops and Trees you have earned the First-Grower Bonus.

When you are the first person (among your Friends) to find a Prize Crop and/or Prize Fruit, you will receive the following message:

County Fair - FarmVille 2

 Click on the “Share Fertilizer & View Progress” to share some Fertilizer with your Friends!
Earning Points & Medals:
You earn points for every Prize Good you grow, which will unlock special Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Prize Goods that weigh more will earn you more points. In addition, Mastered Crops and Trees will produce bigger Prize Goods that are also worth more points. Note: Only Fertilized Crops and harvesting Heirloom Trees will earn you Prize Goods.
Helpful Tips: Use Fertilizer on your watered Heirloom Trees for a better chance of finding Prize Fruit after harvests! In addition, using Speed-Grow on Crops and Heirloom Trees will increase your chances of finding a bigger Prize Good.

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There are four different types of Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each Medal is complete with a tiered series of levels. As you accrue points, you move up through each level (per your total amount of points) each week.
  • Bronze: 1 – 3 Levels
  • Silver: 1 – 6 Levels
  • Gold: 1 – 9 Levels
  • Platinum: 1 – 15 Levels
The diagram below illustrates the four different Medals (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) and each level specific to that Medal (33 levels total):

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Each week you can move up one Medal. For example, if you have Bronze Medal 1, you are working towards Bronze Medal 2; if you have Bronze Medal 3, you are working towards Silver Medal 1.
If you do not reach your next Medal goal in time for the County Fair Awards Ceremony, you will go back to the base of your previous Medal level. For example, if you have Silver Medal 3, you will go back to Silver Medal 1; if you have Gold Medal 1, you will go back to Silver Medal 6; if you have Gold Medal 5, you will go back to Gold Medal 1, and so forth. Note: Bronze Medals are excluded from this rule.
Fertilize and grow Prize Goods to maintain and boost your Medal level status! Check the “Bonus Hints” on the County Fair Board for tips & tricks on how to maximize your chances of finding a Prize Crop or Fruit, and leveling up your Medals.

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Jumbo Time
Once you have filled your Medal Meter to the top, you will earn even bigger Prize Goods that are worth even more points for the remainder of the week (regardless of your Medal and Medal level).

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While in Jumbo Time, click your Wagon to view your Medal Meter and progress:

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Note: The Jumbo Time status will reset every week after the County Fair Awards Ceremony.

Prize Shovel:
The special Prize Shovel gets you twice the Prize Good points when using it to harvest Crops and Heirloom Trees. After purchase, it is yours to use for 24 hours. You can view the cooldown timer on the County Fair Board.

   County Fair - FarmVille 2

To use the Shovel, simply harvest your fertilized Crops and Heirloom Trees!

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After the cooldown timer runs out, you can purchase more from the County Fair Board or from your Medal status in the Neighbor Bar. See section “Fame” to learn more about this feature.

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Rewards for Medals - More Visit Actions and More Visitors:
Having a Medal means you will be more helpful to your friends! If you have a Medal, you will get more Visit Actions when visiting your friends. Your friends will appreciate the extra actions, and you’ll have more chances to get rewards!
  • Bronze: 6 Visit Actions
  • Silver: 7 Visit Actions
  • Gold: 8 Visit Actions
  • Platinum: 9 Visit Actions

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Also, if you have a Medal, your friends will get special Rewards for visiting your farm (Water, Fertilizer, Prize Crops, and Prize Fruit). Better Medals mean that your friends will get more Rewards. If you have a Medal you will be sorted to the front of your friends’ Neighbor Bar, so better Medals means more helpful visitors to your farm. Get more and more visitors to make your farm famous! You also have a chance of finding Prize Fruit when harvesting Heirloom Trees during Neighbor Visits. Depending on your Neighbor’s current County Fair Medal, you can find up to four of them!
  • Bronze: Visitors to your farm will get 1 Water, 1 Fertilizer, and 1 Prize Crop or Prize Fruit
  • Silver: Visitors to your farm will get 2 Water, 2 Fertilizer, and 2 Prize Crops or Prize Fruit
  • Gold: Visitors to your farm will get 3 Water, 3 Fertilizer, and 3 Prize Crops or Prize Fruit
  • Platinum: Visitors to your farm will get 4 Water, 4 Fertilizer, and 4 Prize Crops or Prize Fruit

To view a Friend’s Medal level and Neighbor Visit rewards, hover over your cursor over their avatar in the Neighbor Bar:

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Note: Neighbor Visit bonuses only depend on the Medal, not Medal level. For example, players with Bronze Medal 1, 2, and 3 will all receive the same amount of Visit Actions, and their visiting Friends will receive the same rewards. However, players with Silver Medal 1 will receive more visit actions and their visiting friends will receive more rewards than players with a Bronze Medal. You can tell the Medal level by looking at the ribbon above the Medal (see image below).

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After visiting Neighbors and completing your Visit Actions, share some rewards with your Friends! Click on “Share Rewards” to post a feed to your wall that your Neighbors can click to collect rewards, too!

   County Fair - FarmVille 2

You can only visit a Neighbor once every 18-hours. Once you have completed all Neighbor Visit Actions, your Friend’s avatar will grey out until the 18-hour cooldown has expired (see image below).

  County Fair - FarmVille 2

Visit your Neighbors with Medals to maximize your bonus rewards and help level up your Medals faster. If you want to be an extra helpful Friend, Fertilizer your Neighbors’ Crops or Heirloom Trees and maybe they will return the favor!

More Visitors makes your farm more famous. Winning Medals at the County Fair will bring you more helpful Visitors. You will receive one Fame point from each player who visits your farm. To view your Fame, hover over your name in the Neighbor Bar. You can also view your current Medal and points total.

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County Fair Timer:
This countdown timer indicates how much time remains until the next County Fair Awards Ceremony event.

   County Fair - FarmVille 2

Awards Ceremony:

County Fair - FarmVille 2

Every Thursday, you will go to the County Fair Awards Ceremony to collect amazing rewards and see how you performed among your Friends and Neighbors. A purple icon will hover over your Wagon to let you know that the Ceremony is about to begin. Click your Wagon to head on over with your Prize Crops.

County Fair - FarmVille 2

Once you arrive at the County Fair, you will see how many points you earned for that week and which special bonuses you’ve earned. 

  County Fair - FarmVille 2

Afterwards, you will then see what Medal you earned for all of your hard work that week, and your new goal for next week. Click “Get Rewards & Share” to share some with Friends and view the rest of your rewards:

County Fair - FarmVille 2

Such as, many Coins!

  County Fair - FarmVille 2

Last but not least, you can see which Friends you beat and whom you are close to passing for next week. In addition, you can see which of your Friends got first place! 

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Click on the “Go Back to Farm” button to return home and start planting your Crops and Heirloom Trees for this week’s County Fair event!

Additional Information:
  • You must be at a minimum of level 20 to participate in the County Fair feature.
  • You can only receive Prize Crops from harvesting Fertilized Crops. You will not receive Prize Crops from harvesting Trees, tending to Animals or Buildings.
  • You can only receive Prize Fruit from harvesting Heirloom Trees. Harvesting regular Trees will notproduce Prize Fruit.
  • All players must go and can only go to County Fair once a week (Thursdays).
  • Your Medal status will decrease each week you do not attend the County Fair. Note: Bronze Medals do not apply to this rule.
  • The County Fair Wagon is unmovable.
  • If you want to see how much time remains until the County Fair, hover your cursor over the wagon.

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