As you know everyone already missions week out tonight or tomorrow morning! We will need this time to build a tavern pig used to obtain exotic mushrooms in our fruit crops! It will collect a maximum of exotic mushrooms to unlock all the rewards!
1st we have to invest and build the diner in collecting all the items that you can see below in the pictures. We also need four friends to complete the construction.
It will then reap the fruits of our trees to find exotic mushrooms. Trick is: It is more likely to find exotic mushrooms reaping the fruits of the winning trees.
- You can collect all items you need from 1 to 1 gift portal – click here
- it will be possible to produce in the workshop 2 types of terrarium. Small that will get 2 exoticmushrooms and large which give
- You will collect a number of exotic mushrooms to unlock all these rewards:
- Set of 2 lamps mushrooms
- Pack rewards (fertilizer, water, salts, sugars, …)
- A topiary fungus
- A mushroom fountain
- On the image below you can see the number of exotic mushrooms it will get to unlock eachaward
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