Like all other new farms, #Zynga #FarmVille Holiday Lights Farm has its own unique decorations. #FarmVilleLatest has found some images for you to have a look at some of these all new decorations. Check out some of the possible decos below for the FarmVille Holiday Lights Farm, and remember to share the post with your friends if you like it.
Decorations | ||||
Beat Holiday Lights Trophy (beatholidaylightsstatue) (u4E)fv_hlights | Borealis Fairy Gnomette (gnome_xhl_borealisfairytte) (pvm)fv_hlights | Bright Gnomette (gnome_xhl_brighttte) (pa1)fv_hlights | Eski-Gnome (gnome_xhl_eski) (oi1)fv_hlights | Giving Gnome (gnome_xhl_giving) (o6j)fv_hlights |
Hollybright Gnome (gnome_xhl_hollybright) (oo0)fv_hlights | Hollybright Gnomette (gnome_xhl_hollybrighttte) (n94)fv_hlights | Illuminated Gnome (gnome_xhl_illuminated) (o30)fv_hlights | Winter Gnomette (gnome_xhl_wintertte) (pf7)fv_hlights | Merry Maker Gnome (merrymakergnome)(o4x) |
Rainbow Moat (moat_xhl_rainbow) (pu3)fv_hlights | Rainbow Moat II (moat_xhl_rainbow2) (phd)fv_hlights | Rainbow Moat III (moat_xhl_rainbow3) (pei)fv_hlights | Rainbow Moat IV (moat_xhl_rainbow4) (pwl)fv_hlights | Rainbow Moat V (moat_xhl_rainbow5) (pc2)fv_hlights |
Rainbow Moat VI (moat_xhl_rainbow6) (poe)fv_hlights | Arctic Glow Egg (mysteryeggchickenxhlarcticglow) (pc8)fv_hlights | Frostlight Egg (mysteryeggchickenxhlfrostlight) (pe5)fv_hlights | Hollybright Egg (mysteryeggchickenxhlhollybright) (ofn)fv_hlights | Holly Light Egg (mysteryeggchickenxhlhollylight) (pje)fv_hlights |
Ornament Egg (mysteryeggchickenxhlornament) (ptv)fv_hlights | Nutcracker Light (nutcrackerlight)(o6a) | Unwither Ring Pack (pkg_hollybright_finish) (XX)fv_hlights | Package of Holly Bright Gift Parts (pkg_xlg_treasureparts) (XX)fv_hlights | Aurora Garden Ball (xhl_auroragardenball) (n51)fv_hlights |
Aurora Hay Bale (xhl_aurorahaybale) (oix)fv_hlights | Aurora Lightpost (xhl_auroralightpost) (omf)fv_hlights | Donation Station (xhl_donationstation) (oea)fv_hlights | FarmVille Ice Sculpture (xhl_FarmVilleicesculpture) (o5j)fv_hlights | Glowing flower box (xhl_glowingflowerbox) (o8q)fv_hlights |
Hollybright Arch (xhl_hollybrightarch) (oa8)fv_hlights | Hollybright Carousel (xhl_hollybrightcarousel) (o87)fv_hlights | Hollybright Gazebo (xhl_hollybrightgazebo) (og4)fv_hlights | Hollybright Greetings (xhl_hollybrightgreetings) (p1p)fv_hlights | Hollybright Lane (xhl_hollybrightlane) (pze)fv_hlights |
Hollybright Nutcracker (xhl_hollybrightnutcracker) (oez)fv_hlights | Hollybright Path (xhl_hollybrightpath) (o7m)fv_hlights | Hollybright Train (xhl_hollybrighttrain) (o9f)fv_hlights | Holly Skating Rink (xhl_hollyskatingrink) (pm1)fv_hlights | Lane Carriage (xhl_lanecarriage) (pvi)fv_hlights |
Lighted Bench (xhl_lightedbench) (prk)fv_hlights | Lit Pickup Truck (xhl_litpickuptruck) (pts)fv_hlights | Love Chicks (xhl_lovechicks) (od8)fv_hlights | Present Puppy (xhl_presentpuppy) (pbp)fv_hlights | Puppy Snow Pile (xhl_puppysnowpile) (pv5)fv_hlights |
Twinkling Windmill (xhl_twinklingwindmill) (p1m)fv_hlights | Twisty Lamp Post (xhl_twistylamppost) (pmx)fv_hlights | Double Light Statue (xlg_deco_hlightsdoublepointstatue) (QEB)fv_hlights |
What do you think about these Holiday Themed decoration? Will they be a great add-on to your Holiday Lights Farm? Do let us know by sharing this post with your friends and by leaving your feedback on the thread below!
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